Week 9 Update
Jaimasih! It feels like that is the word we say the most, and how appropriate it is being that it means “Praise the Lord”. Not only is that a greeting here but it summarizes this mission as a whole. The only words that can proceed from our mouths is Jaimasih “Praise the Lord” for He is good and His ways are perfect. Each and every day we spend out here, the more we see God’s grace and His Spirit moving. We could speak forever about the greatness of our God but we have so many things to say about the wonderful working of His Spirit here. So let us get into it!
Bible College:
This week we finished our classes for the semester and our ministry shifts from the classroom to discipleship and outreach (This will be talked about). With that being said, as the weeks go by, our time with the students is sweeter and sweeter. The fellowship we share with all of them makes our hearts full every night. This fellowship comes from times in the classroom, prayer nights, days of fasting together, and laughing while playing games together. It has become our joy to be able to be with these students daily. Even when we were away for a week in Thailand (which I will talk about), we couldn’t help but to miss our home at the Bible college and our family (the students). We even had a craving for Dahl Baht (rice and lentils). This place has become a home away from home and the students our family away from family. The Spirit really works to unite fellow believers to each other and that is exactly what has happened here.
Girls Home:
Oh to get started in talking about the promise girls brings a smile across our faces. We have said before, these girls are so precious and it is our great privilege to love on them. The time we are able to spend loving on them, we truly are the ones that feel the love of Christ. Just walking around a street festival yesterday with these girls in hand, they felt like our children guiding them through the crowds, of course with some tickling on the way. We have become so close to these girls and are a constant topic of our conversation.
The Daily:
Thailand Missions Conference
We had the amazing opportunity to go to Thailand for the Asian Missions Conference. This conference was such a blessing, not only did we feel refreshed after but stirred in the continuance of the mission ahead. We made connections with fellow laborers working all around Asia, and hear about the different works going on. This was at such a sweet timing to push us forward in our passion for missions
As our classes have come to an end, we have the opportunity to go to a village named Gorkha, with the students, this coming week. This time in Gorkha will be filled with outreach in the form of a conference, in which we will be teaching at, and evangelism. After the week in Gorkha, we will be going for a week in Swara, which has no church and no believers. Please be praying for these coming weeks!
One of the students at the Bible college, his name being Pushpa, is also a pastor of a church named Bethany Church. We have been invited regularly to teach at this church. This church has such a sweet community, and from the moment we walk in, we feel like family. This church truly follows in the love and humility that Pushpa displays in his life as a follower of Christ. It is our deep privilege to be apart of this church. Please be praying for the continued working of the Spirit in this church.
We thank God so much for your support and the grace He has given us to be here. Please keep us in your prayers as you all are in ours. Through any struggles and trials in being here, Jesus is worthy. Upon looking to Jesus every struggle turns to a joy, and every hardship reveals the peace only found in the arms of Christ. Your prayers are absolutely essential in the work out here. In the words of missionary James Frazier “Solid, lasting missionary work is done on our knees”. The greatest impact on this area is your partnership in prayer.
Till the whole world hears,
Dane and Brandon