Week 7 Update
Jaimasih ("Praise the Lord", common greeting) from Nepal! We love and miss you all and once again thank you for your continual support and prayers. We will keep this blog shorter as we want to just update you on some amazing stories of what God is doing as we continue in the work God has called us to.
Bible College:
We continue to grow closer and closer to these students that we are investing in. Classes finish up in two weeks in which we can focus on more outreach and expand our ministry into different parts of Nepal. Teaching at the Bible college has been a life changing experience for us and hopefully for the students as well. Study the Bible and change the world! This is what Ezra did (One of the classes Dane is teaching). We are getting more and more of this global purpose of the work of God in this world and gaining a deeper hunger for God and His presence. Hopefully these same things are happening with the students, and we are seeing it in little ways. We are continuing in our prayer meetings with them, now 3 times a week, and evangelism on Sunday's and fasting on Wednesday's.
Girls Home:
We are continuing to spend time with the promise girls, visiting them at least 3 times a week. We are continually blown away that we get to be a part of showing these girls the love of Christ. "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27.
On The Daily:
This is a little section we like to call on the daily haha. There are opportunities all over the place and always a person to help, disciple, and/or minister to. One of these is a little family who seems to have been placed by God on the doorstep of the Bible college. They were Hindu but upon being shown the love of Christ, they are now followers of Christ. They are very poor and when Deepa (the mom) lost her job in construction, we took them in and they have been living here on campus for the last 3 weeks or so. The daughter named Susmita who is in a picture below had burned her foot really bad as a young baby by falling into the fire. Her foot was deformed and her toes were growing up and backwards to where she could't walk. Hannah, who is the wife of the Bible college directer here, raised money and they have now surgically fixed her foot to where she will be able to walk. Something that probably would have never happened due to the price. Mungal (the son, 11 years old) who is in a picture with Dane below would watch his sister all day and so has never been to school or learned to read. Hannah was also able to raise money for him and now he is tutored 5 times a week for several hours and learning to read. After his first lesson in the morning, he was out in the courtyard till 10pm practicing his reading. We pray that the love we show this family as a Bible college will resound into eternity!
We thank God every day for considering us worthy, appointing us to His service. It isn't always easy, we get sick, miss family and the comforts of home, but as we keep telling ourselves, "If it was easy, everyone would do it". But above all, Jesus is worthy! He is worthy of His gospel being preached throughout the nations! We get to be a part of that and so do you in partnering with us in prayer and support!
Till the whole world hears,
Brandon and Dane
Below: Visiting a church Brandon preached at. The pastor in the 2nd picture down, is one of our Bible college students.
We pray for you and Brandon every day. God bless you both for your service of love.
Sheri & Dave